Allure Brilliant
Asemenea unui diamant
Cu suprafețe clare, unghiuri interesante şi detalii uimitoare, Allure Brilliant ilustrează precizia absolută care nu poate fi atinsă decât prin mulţi ani de experienţă şi pasiune pentru inovaţie, fără compromis. Complexe, fără a fi complicate, bateriile faţetate adaugă o nouă dimensiune amenajării băii, dar şi percepţiei apei.
Cu o calitate şi o formă structurată similare pietrelor preţioase, Allure Brilliant oferă un aspect estetic neegalat. Designerii şi inginerii noştri şi-au asumat rolurile de experţi în pietre preţioase, rafinând şi finisând cu cea mai mare grijă pentru a crea o colecţie cu un design incitant, care vă va modifica percepţia cu privire la armăturile de baie.
În interior şi în exterior, Allure Brilliant trece dincolo de limite. Cu utilizarea clară şi precisă a formelor geometrice, gama Allure Brilliant explorează estetica simplă, liniară a arhitecturii minimaliste pentru a crea un portofoliu uimitor şi atractiv de baterii, duşuri şi armături. Pornind de la simplitatea unui pătrat sau dreptunghi, colecţia Allure Brilliant foloseşte formele geometrice la potenţial maxim şi duce bateriile la un nou nivel, cu liniile drepte clare şi formele plate. O deschidere la capătul pipei de scurgere oferă o nouă imagine asupra apei– un debit extins care intrigă şi incită de fiecare dată.

Tap Styles
The Allure Brilliant Collection offers an extensive range of premium fittings for all points of interaction in your bathroom. From the basin to the bathtub and shower, the collection offers a wide range of products, giving you the freedom to tailor your bathroom to your specific requirements.
Wall-mounted, deck-mounted and even floor-mounted mixers make it easy for you to find your perfect match at the basin.
And as a single hand shower or head shower is just not right anymore – we present you a complete range of integrated custom showering solutions, for a three-dimensional sensory treat.
The collection is completed by a dedicated range of accessories for design affinity throughout your bathroom

Allure Brilliant Cascade Spout
The Allure Brilliant cascade spout complement the relaxing spa ambiance with inspirations drawn from nature.
The wall-mounted spout is designed to dispense water at just the right angle both for filling a bathtub and enjoying a shower. The water flowing from the spout forms a natural, wide and even waterfall which adds another sensual element to the spa experience. GROHE StarLight® technology is used to protect the brilliant and long-lasting chrome finish against scratching and soiling.
The new GROHE SPA® cascade spout for bathtubs and showers are a perfect choice for enjoying water in its most natural form.

Allure Brilliant Accessories
Based on a modular concept with interchangeable elements, Allure Brilliant accessories not only complete your bathroom they make a statement too.
Characterised by their faceted wall plates, the range takes the flat planes and intriguing angles of the brassware collection in highly-polished chrome and marries them with frosted lead crystal beakers and soap dishes.
GROHE BestMatch
Find your perfect combination of faucet and washbasin
Welcome to GROHE BestMatch! In a few clicks, you will find your perfect combination of washbasin and faucet. Over 3000 combinations have been tested in the GROHE Lab so you can be confindent to find your Best Match resulting in optimal water delivery, highest comfort and best design match.