Grohtherm 1000 Baterie cadă cu termostat 1/2″

matte black

Grohtherm 1000 thermostatic bath/shower mixer in stunning matt black – smart safety features and precise control in a cool, contemporary design

If you're tired of having to add hot or cold water to your bath to get the temperature right, you'll love this thermostat: engineered with the GROHE TurboStat technology, this Grohtherm 1000 bath mixer will fill your tub reliably at the desired water temperature. The Aquadimmer Eco function makes controlling the water flow easy: it lets you switch between bath spout and shower while also adjusting the water volume – from a water-saving flow rate as standard to a full flow by pressing the EcoButton. Ergonomically shaped GROHE MetalGrip handles offer optimal grip, even with wet and soapy hands. The incorporated GROHE Water Saving technology generally reduces water and energy consumption. Safety guaranteed! With its innovative GROHE CoolTouch design, an inner cooling channel ensures that the entire thermostat body will never get too hot to touch. Additional protection provides the GROHE SafeStop safety button that is set at 38° C to prevent children in particular from unintentionally turning up the water temperature too high. The optional GROHE SafeStop Plus temperature limiter can be set to 43° C for an extra level of protection. And the hard-wearing and low-maintenance GROHE Long-Life finish keeps the matt black surface looking pristine for years to come. With a slimline, cylindrical body and a cool colour scheme it is perfect for creating a focal point in your bathroom.

Caracteristici cheie

  • montare pe perete
  • tehnologie de siguranţă GROHE CoolTouch
  • mânere metalice cu formă ergonomică GROHE MetalGrip
  • GROHE SafeStop - oprire de siguranţă la 38°C
  • limitare opțională de temperatură la 43°C GROHE SafeStop Plus inclusă
  • GROHE TurboStat cartuş compactcu termoelement din ceară
  • dispozitiv încorporat, cu închidere,pentru mixarea apei
  • GROHE AquaDimmer Eco cu funcții multiple:
  • - GROHE EcoButton integrat (buton de economisire cu oprire pentru duș)
  • - reglare a debitului
  • - comutator: cadă/duş
  • scurgere duş inferioară 1/2"
  • aerator
  • supapă integrată contra refluxului
  • filtru impurităţi inclus
  • protecţie împotriva refluxului
  • conexiuni excentrice
  • ornament metalic
  • GROHE Water Saving tehnologie pentru reducerea consumului de apă
  • professional edition
Pos.-Nr. Prod. Beschreibung Bestell-nr.
*Accesorii speciale
1 GRT 1000 New shut-off handle 479762430
1.1 cap 47974243M
2 Oprire 47977000
3 Comutator 12433000
4 Debit apă 47751000
5 GRT 1000 New temperature control handle 479732430
5.1 cap 47974243M
6 inel de fixare 47743000
7 Cartuş termostatic compact 1/2" 47439000
8 Race 47975000
9 flow control 139522430
10 Ventil de reţinere 471892430
10.1 Filtru impurităţi 0726400M
10.2 Ventil de reţinere 08565000
10.3 Garnitură inelară ø17 x ø2 0305500M
11 Conexiuni excentrice 120752430
11.1 etanşare 0138600M
11.2 Șild 02210243M
12 Prelungire 3/4", 20 mm 0713000M*
13 piuliţă specială 19377000*
14 Cheie tubulară 19332000*
15 GROHE TurboStat cartridge 1/2" 47175000*

Centrul de service

GROHE International RO SRL

Strada Matei Millo nr. 6, cladirea Millo, etaj 1
010145 București


Luni - Vineri 9:00 - 17:00